Configuring Manjaro with Ansible

Configuring Manjaro with Ansible

June 23, 2020 - 7 minute read -
DevOps Linux

I have been an avid Linux user for the past five years and have run Arch Linux installations alongside Windows installations on most of my personal systems. Recently, I’ve decided to try out Manjaro since it has most of the feature set of Arch but with an extremely quick and convenient installation procedure. Instead of just installing it manually, I decided to apply some DevOps techniques to build a complete installation procedure which is simple to use, deploy, and update.

Configuration Management

In DevOps, configuration management is the concept of organizing the software packages and settings present in one or more machines. A common application is for system administrators to manage a cluster of servers from a central control server.

For my use case, I can employ configuration management to automatically install lists of packages and configuration files for applications like Bash, Vim, Atom, etc.


There are many configuration management tools out there right now, including popular entries such as Ansible, Chef, Puppet, and SaltStack. Since I have not dabbled with configuration management before, I decided to use Ansible because it is quite easy to set up and has a large following.

Ansible logo

Ansible uses the “push” model of configuration management, meaning that a central server pushes configuration settings to various clients. It is also agentless, in that Ansible code runs on the server only, not on the clients. The server sends all necessary commands over the network. This is convenient since client machines simply need a network connection to start being configured.

Our goal here is to orchestrate the installation of a Linux environment on a single machine which has just installed a fresh version of Manjaro, so the client and server are the same machine. This is a simple and valid architecture for Ansible to operate upon.

Playbooks and Modules

The functionality of Ansible is realized through the use of “playbooks”. Each playbook is a YAML file which describes a set of actions. Since playbooks can effectively call other playbooks like functions, I split the installation process among multiple playbooks, with one main file that calls the rest.

Within a playbook is a series of “plays”, which are sets of instructions executed with some environmental state. This state can include a list of machines (on which the instructions are executed), variables, source files, etc.

Plays are further divided into “tasks”, which are the individual instructions themselves. In general, tasks utilize “modules” to actually define the job they want to accomplish. Modules are abstractions of various software tools that allow Ansible users to utilize such tools in a uniform way.

Here’s a simple playbook:

- name: Install config files
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
    - home_dir: "/home/user1"
    - name: "Install .bashrc"
        src: ../config/.bashrc
        dest: "{{ home_dir }}"
    - name: "Install .vimrc"
        src: ../config/.vimrc
        dest: "{{ home_dir }}"

Let’s break down the structure of this playbook. First, the playbook file itself begins with a line of three dashes. While not technically required here, this is necessary when specifying YAML directives and in some other cases. Next, all the code shown is part of a single play which is named “Install config files.”

The “environmental state” of this play is all of the key-value pairs above the “tasks” directive: the name of the play, the machine on which it will run, and a variable accessible by each task in the play. As a side note, variables are accessed by double bracing with quotes as shown on lines 11 and 15.

Lastly, the tasks themselves. They each have a name and a module, which fully describes their operation. In this case, each task uses the copy module to copy a single file to a destination directory. src and dest are parameters consumed by the copy module which define where files/directories should be copied to and from. Other parameters are available to the module and can be used to achieve more complex results. The Ansible documentation is excellent and describes all modules and their parameters clearly.

Installing Packages

For my system, there are three types of package to install: Linux packages, Atom text editor packages, and Ruby gems. The package managers used for these package types, pacman, apm, and gem, are each represented slightly differently in Ansible. Both pacman and gem have an Ansible module abstraction (called pacman and gem, respectively), while apm must be run as a shell command. Thankfully, all three representations are straightforward to use. Let’s look at pacman’s usage.

  - name: Install Linux packages with pacman
        name: "{{ pacman_packages }}"
        state: latest

In the above code snippet, we invoke the pacman module and simply hand it a list of packages, named pacman_packages. We also specify that we want the latest version of each package. pacman_packages is a YAML list variable defined in a separate YAML file. This is the simplest module implementation for a package manager because Ansible knows to loop over every item of the list automatically.

Executing the other two package managers, as mentioned, works slightly differently. The gem module does not support list inputs to the name parameter. Instead, the list is looped over manually using the with_items lookup plugin:

  - name: Install Ruby gems
        name: "{{ item }}"
        state: latest
    with_items: "{{ ruby_gems }}"

The Atom package manager, apm, is not implemented as an Ansible module. Therefore, it must be run as a shell command rather than a module.

  - name: Install Atom packages
    shell: apm install "{{ item }}"
    with_items: "{{ atom_packages }}"

Installing Config Files

My setup includes configurations for Bash, Vim, etc. Copies of these config files are maintained in the same repo as the Ansible code, so it is a simple matter of copying these files into the user’s home directory using the copy module. The first Ansible code snippet earlier in this post shows an example of using copy in this way.

User and SSH Settings

User group settings, SSH keys, and Github SSH key integration can all be managed through Ansible as well. While one manual step is required here, namely in generating a Github access token and passing it to Ansible, this still requires less effort than uploading SSH keys manually. These additional steps can be explained via command line print statements by the Ansible playbook as it runs.

Editing the user setting is accomplished by using the group, lineinfile, and user modules. These modules allow Ansible to add a “wheel” group, grant that group sudo privileges by editing the sudo config file, and then add the current user to that group. The wheel group is an administrative group often used to grant sudo access.

Setting up Github SSH keys is performed via a HTTP POST method. This is the task that requires the aforementioned Github access token, since Github has disallowed authentication via username/password. The task is as follows:

  - name: Upload SSH keys to Github
        user: "{{ github_username }}"
        password: "{{ github_token }}"
        method: POST
        body_format: json
        force_basic_auth: yes
        status_code: 201
            title: "{{ github_ssh_key_name }}"
            key: "{{ lookup('file', '{{ key_path }}.pub') }}"

All of the Ansible variables (github_username, github_token, etc.) are collected from the command line when the Ansible script runs.


While I only needed these features mentioned here to create my specific installation procedure, Ansible supports many other tools and tricks. One can manage databases, edit partitions, send notifications through applications like Slack, and even run other configuration management tools such as Puppet.

The code featuring all of this Ansible functionality is located here, under the ansible directory.

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